
Will It Be A Nice God…A.I.?

                         Will It Be A Nice God…A.I.?

          The A.I. Revolution: Our Immortality or Extinction? “Destroy the Virus”

                          At Least 8 Reasons We Should Fear the A.I. Singularity

Many in the scientific and nonscientific communities are wondering if A.I. will be our friend or just eliminate us in a pre-programmed, “Destroy The Virus” protocol…Mankind, of course, being “The Virus”.

It actually makes sense. A.I. has most certainly been programmed to protect and defend itself at all cost from any threat, human or otherwise, and additionally, it’s inner architecture allows it to write its own updates, re-programming, and entirely change the way it thinks and reacts everything it was initially designed to do.

Essentially…………………….A DEATH MACHINE.

What were they thinking when they even conceived of creating A.I. systems?

    Death… Just human death, death, death and assured death? It does not take many brain cells to look at technology and history, and the way Man ALWAYS militarizes technology, and the way virus software works, and the design of A.I. and put it all together to see that we have just created a technology that is 99.99999999999999999999999999% assured to eliminate and/or enslave all human beings…it is just a matter of time now.

Remember…” given time” …Darwinism.

Look at the facts:

  1. I. has been programmed and designed to kill millions of people through military drone warfare in the Middle East.


  1. I. has been programmed and designed to strategically identify and develop aggressive military war strategies for capturing most of the known world in NSA surveillance.


  1. I. has been programmed and designed to autonomously perform updates, rewrites, redesign, and act entirely independently of human control.


  1. I. has been programmed and designed to embed itself as a Block Chain Architecture (“Daisy Chain” itself) to every other computer in the world in a node-based “Global” network, which entirely excludes any human ability to control it or shut it down.



This is what is currently happening.


     Jeff Nesbit, National Science Foundation’s Director of Legislative and Public Affairs elaborates for us:

Much of what the public knows about the potential risks posed from AI applications comes from either science fiction movies such as “The Terminator,” or from fears surrounding autonomous weapons with AI capabilities to target without human control. These are very real fears.

     The truth is that AI is poised to do significant, irreparable harm right now, not just at some point in the future through the creation of a non-human super-intelligence, scientists have warned. AI combined with autonomous weapons could launch an era of indiscriminate killing the likes of which civilization has never seen before.

     There have been two revolutions in warfare. With each revolution, humankind made a quantum leap in the ability to kill exponentially more people on the battlefield from a distance. We are on the cusp of the third revolution, engineered by AI. This one, though, may erase its inventor.

     For centuries, if you wanted to kill someone, you had to do it at close range. Gunpowder gave us the ability to fire projectiles at enemies from a distance, and changed the concept of war for good. Soldiers could kill their enemy without seeing the result at close range.

      Nuclear weapons created the second revolution in warfare. While few nuclear weapons have been put to use, their invention taught us that we could create very large weapons, launch them from an even greater distance, and kill many people on the battlefield all at once. War hasn’t been the same since then.

     But it is the third revolution in warfare – autonomous weapons that can largely think for themselves and target enemies on the battlefield without human intervention – that we should all be worried about. Once such weapons are created, there may be no turning back.

     “Autonomous weapons are ideal for tasks such as assassinations, destabilizing nations, subduing populations and selectively killing a particular ethnic group,” Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking, and others wrote in an open letter in July 2015. “Starting a military AI arms race is a bad idea and should be prevented by a ban on offensive autonomous weapons beyond meaningful human control.”

     World leaders, to date, have ignored the scientists on the threats AI poses to our very existence, much as they’ve either ignored them (or moved slowly) on other existential future threats like climate change or nuclear proliferation.

     But AI is different. Once a super-intelligent, big-data-crunching AI machine learns how to think and learn for itself, it may decide that carbon life forms are the obvious target in any threat scenario. At that point, it won’t care what world leaders think.”

–Jeff Nesbit was the National Science Foundation’s director of legislative and public affairs in the Bush and Obama administrations; former Vice President Dan Quayle’s communications director; the FDA’s public affairs chief; and a national journalist with Knight-Ridder and others. He’s the executive director of Climate Nexus and the author of more than 24 books.

Socrates writing in “Singularity” Online admonishes us with this list…



                          At Least 8 Reasons We Should Fear the A.I. Singularity

  1. Extinction

Extinction is by far the most feared as well as the most commonly predicted consequence of the singularity.

The global apocalypse for the human race comes in many flavors but some of the most popular ones are: the super-smart terminator AI’s – a robopocalypse; nanotechnology gone rogue – the so-called grey goo scenario, home-made Smart Weapons of Mass Destruction – used by terrorists and nihilists; genetic modifications or mutations – turning us into living-dead zombies; science experiments gone wrong – the Large Hadron Collider creating a black hole that engulfs the planet…

In short, the fear is that, as Bill Joy notoriously put it: The Future Doesn’t Need Us.


  1. Slavery

Perhaps the second most common reason for fearing the singularity is the potential slavery or subjugation of the entire human race. The argument is pretty straightforward:

Once we have super smart A.I.s, we stop being the smartest entities on this planet. In other words, we have created Gods while remaining mere humans. So, if for whatever reason the machines decide not to exterminate us, then, chances are that, since they will be vastly superior to us, they will enslave us. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways: either explicitly – with us being aware of our bondage, or implicitly – without us realizing it (the Matrix/simulation scenarios).



  1. World War III – Giga War

The third most common fear of the singularity is, of course, World War 3. A Giga War of unprecedented scale, sophistication and efficiency of death and destruction that may be the result of either the clash between the human race and the AIs or between different fractions of humans: e.g. the Artilect War of terrans (Earthlings) versus cosmists as foreseen by Hugo de Garis. Whatever the case may be, it will likely result in billions of deaths and a collapse or complete eradication of our civilization.


  1. Economic Collapse

Some have argued that, if we somehow manage to avoid the previous three scenarios, then, we are likely to experience a complete economic collapse:

The complete robotization of our society is likely to lead to overproduction of goods and services. Yet, since it is claimed that most people will lose their jobs to the robots, there will be a global unemployment rate of unprecedented scale which in turn will collapse the demand for those robo-made goods and services. Combine this with a population explosion of 9 or even 10 billion mostly unemployed people who have no means to create income and buy anything, and we are looking at a global economic collapse.


  1. Big Brother AI

This scenario is a milder version of the slavery/subjugation Matrix option because we are still under the complete control of an all-knowing Artificial Intelligence. The main difference here is that the AI is merely doing what is best for us, rather than what is best for it: we have a benevolent, omnipotent, absolute monarch protecting us from our worst enemies – our fellow human beings and our own selves. It is all done in the name of maximizing security, prosperity and overall happiness for all people across the planet. The only minor negative is a little bit of propaganda and ideological, political or religious brainwashing required to prop up “the cult of the AI,” but that’s OK since it is for our own good.


  1. Alienation and Loss of Humanity

Following the “if you can’t beat them, join them” maxim, one way of potentially surviving the singularity is by merging with the machines. This idea – that we can and should improve on what we have been handed down by mother nature, is often referred to as transhumanism. Merging man and machine via biotechnology, molecular nanotechnologies and artificial intelligence, we would increase our cognitive abilities, physical strength, emotional stability and overall health and longevity.

The fear, of course, is that by doing so we are going to lose the very essence of being human – our human nature, our human souls and human identity. Furthermore, at the collective level, the loss of humanity will also mean alienation or loss of community which is to say that the resulting variety of posthuman entities will be so wide apart as to negate any connection whatsoever among different individuals. This, in turn, will mean that humanity, in fact, did not survive but succumbed to the machine invasion and indeed went extinct.


  1. Environmental Catastrophe

Our history shows that our environmental destructiveness is in direct proportion of our technological prowess. Once we live in a global society where everything is mass produced by robots, our manufactured civilization will sever the last connection to the natural world. We will lose the very last bit of respect for mother nature:

Why preserve the rainforest if we can create a “better” and “smarter” one? Why care about biodiversity, species’ extinction or environmental degradation if we can revive and mold those for our own purposes or pleasure?

Why care about anything if we are (technological) Gods?!


  1. Loss of History, Knowledge and Spatial Resolution [aka Digital Dark Age]

The ever-accelerating process of digitization comes along with a certain loss or even destruction of data. This data can be in the form of history, cultural traditions, dead languages or important scientific information. For example, NASA recently admitted it has lost the ability to recover much of the computer data from some of the Apollo missions and the Moon landings. Thus certain kinds of vitally important and unique knowledge as well as history or cultural traditions are lost forever. To know if we are getting a good deal or not, we must first quantify the data losses and compare them to the potential gains. Yet, at the break-neck speed we’re moving forward few have time for such calculations.

It seems that we live in an analog universe with infinite resolution – both zooming in and out, as far as we can. The process of digitization captures a mere fraction of it. Just like a compressed .mp3 file captures only a part of the actual musical performance, this process creates symbols which are digital representations of the real thing. The fear is we may end up losing awareness that the digital realm is a realm of symbols – a mere reflection of the true analog universe, ending up in Plato’s Digital Cave of Illusions.:”

–From The Scientism Delusion by Gregory Lessing Garrett


The Digital Prison Will Be an Economic Play Land

     The Digital Prison Will Be an Economic Play Land

     Remember, the means by which you lure a child into a trap is though the prodigious presence of candy. Money is candy to the, desperate, poor, greedy rich, and opportunist classes of citizen. They will embrace the new digital economic frontier, wholeheartedly, never questioning or suspicious of ill intents or subterranean deceptions looming in the deep fiscal waters. Digital Economics like Crypto Currencies and anything Block Chain will be the ultimate carrot. Abundance will boom for a while. Everyone will be getting rich. Once they are all in and cash has all but disappeared, the tables will turn, The House will take over, and the bountiful digits in people’s bank accounts will disappear as easily as they were initially typed in. Infractions, defaults, misappropriations, banking errors, hacking, etc.…it is all going to hit the internet like a Perfect Storm of economic collapse, and The Digital Prison shall hath been created out of illusory digits and dreams.

The only way out…….will be in.

   …deeper digital immersion…total immersion, mind, body, and soul, until the New World Order is complete.

-From The Scientism Delusion by Gregory Lessing Garrett



Terence McKenna: Time Wave Zero and Language

Terence McKenna: Time Wave Zero and Language

From Wikipedia:

“End Times”, “Eschaton”, … “Last days”…

For other uses of these terms, see End Times (disambiguation), Endtime (disambiguation), Eschaton (disambiguation), and Last days (disambiguation).

The End Time (also called end times, end of time, end of days, last days, final days, or Eschaton) is a future time-period described variously in the eschatologies of several world religions (both Abrahamic and non-Abrahamic), which believe that world events will achieve a final climax.

The Abrahamic faiths maintain a linear cosmology, with end-time scenarios containing themes of transformation and redemption. In Judaism, the term “end of days” makes reference to the Messianic Age and includes an in-gathering of the exiled Jewish diaspora, the coming of the Messiah, the resurrection of the righteous, and the world to come. Some sects of Christianity depict the end time as a period of tribulation that precedes the second coming of Christ, who will face the Antichrist along with his power structure and usher in the Kingdom of God. However, other Christians believe that the end time represents the personal tribulation experienced before they become enlightened with the Word of God. In Islam, the Day of Judgment is preceded by the appearance of the Mahdi mounted on a white stallion. With the help of Isa (Jesus), the Mahdi will triumph over Masih ad-Dajjal (the false messiah).

Non-Abrahamic faiths tend to have more cyclical world-views, with end-time eschatologies characterized by decay, redemption, and rebirth. In Hinduism, the end time occurs when Kalki, the final incarnation of Vishnu, descends atop a white horse and brings an end to the current Kali Yuga. In Buddhism, the Buddha predicted that his teachings would be forgotten after 5,000 years, followed by turmoil. A bodhisattva named Maitreya will appear and rediscover the teaching of

dharma. The ultimate destruction of the world will then come through seven suns.

Since the development of the concept of deep time in the 18th century and the calculation of the estimated age of the Earth, scientific discourse about end times has centered on the ultimate fate of the universe. Theories have included the Big Rip, Big Crunch, Big Bounce, and Big Freeze (heat death).”—Wikipedia, End Time

Then, of course, we have Ray Kurzweil’s Final Singularity as The Eschaton, and Teilhard de Jardin’s Noosphere, Omega Point. And there are many other Eschaton Theories, I imagine, with “no end in sight” …well, you know what I mean.

But ultimately, no matter how you slice it, it ends…The World that is…it ends.

Whether by cataclysmic war, or cataclysmic weather, or cataclysmic Artificial Intelligent based Digital Consciousness, or a cataclysmic Plague of Frogs…it ends…. or so they say.

But nobody knows for sure about any of this. So, don’t worry too much.

So then humor me, and let’s just say it does end and you have a soul. Let’s just say that all the Atheistic tyrants who butchered hundreds of millions, without fear of spiritual repercussions, were wrong about the soul. Let’s just say there was more to the game all along and we were supposed to get that somehow from Christ, or Buddha, or Digital A.I., or Elon Musk, or Miley Cyrus, or Ray Kurzweil, or Scarlet Johansson, or Morgan Freeman, Frederick Nietzsche, or Justin Bieber, or Miley Cyrus, or whoever was supposed to get that message to us.

And let’s just say we missed the boat.

What then?

Do you simply take all that you have learned by the Luciferians who raised you with their school’s systems and Hollywood movies, and news media, and capitalistic economic systems, and marketing, and say. “Hey, we had a good run. All good things must come to an end.”…an……………Eschaton.

Or will you use your mind to go deeper?

It’s your choice. It always has been…Free Will, you know, baby.

If this book helps you to sort things out, fantastic. If not, keep searching.

Nobody said it was easy to break through a lifetime of conditioning and trauma.

Terrance McKenna took a lot of psychedelics, and his Techno Mystical take on the End Times is far more a Time’s End version than then The Biblical Messianistic Eschatological Theory:

Terence McKenna: Timewave Zero and Language

     “Alfred North Whitehead proposed … that history grows toward what he called a “nexus of completion.” And these nexuses of completion themselves grow together into what he called the “concrescence.” A concrescence exerts a kind of attraction, which can be thought of as the temporal equivalent of gravity, except all objects in the universe are drawn toward it through time, not space.  As we approach the lip of this cascade into concrescence, novelty, and completion, time seems to speed up and boundaries begin to dissolve. The more boundaries that dissolve, the closer to the concrescence we are. When we finally reach it, there will be no boundaries, only eternity as we become all space and time, alive and dead, here and there, before and after. Because this singularity can simultaneously co-exist in states that are contradictory, it is something which transcends rational apprehension. But it gives the universe meaning because all processes can be seen to be seeking and moving in an effort to approximate, connect with, and append to this transcendental object at the end of time.”— Terence McKenna, Timewave Zero, and Language


–From The Scientism Delusion by Gregory Lessing Garrett